The interaction of two plane symmetric shocks in a solid sample induces a significant increase of both the pressure and the temperature in the central zone where the incident compressive pulses cross each other. In iron samples, such loading conditions may produce typical structural defects (twins, dislocations) and phase transitions that can be revealed by posttest examination of the recovered targets. We have used two high-power laser beams to irradiate simultaneously both surfaces of thin iron foils. The recovered samples have been sectioned and observed in optical microscopy. A very dense twin distribution in the central zone has confirmed the pressure amplification due to the interaction of the incident shocks. The occurrence of a phase transition has been inferred from the presence of short characteristic twins. Spall fraction has been observed near both irradiated surfaces, and additional damage has been evidenced at the center of the samples. Numerical tools have been adapted to simulate the experiments. Computations have provided estimates of the stress histories inside the samples, and the ability of simple twin, phase change, and spall models has been tested to predict the observed results.