Resistivity measurements have been carried out in FeSi 1Ϫx Ge x (xϭ0.0, 0.05, and 0.20͒ in the 4-300 K range under the application of pressure up to 6.4 GPa. The resistivity data between 100 and 200 K fit an activated behavior yielding the measured transport gap ⌬. The trends in the pressure variation of ⌬ seems to depend on the measured resistivity ratio R(4.2 K)/R(300 K) at ambient pressure. The observed behavior of ⌬ with increase in pressure is argued to arise from two competing factors that contribute to ⌬, a decrease due to shift in the mobility edge E toward E F and an increase due to changes in the electronic structure of the bulk. A remarkable feature of the experimental results, however, is the drastic change in the temperature dependence of conductivity (T) in the 4-50 K range. In this temperature range, while (T) fits the variable range hopping transport mechanism in pristine FeSi, significant deviation from such a fit is seen with Ge substitution and under the application of pressure. The data in these cases fit better to power laws. A plot of the logarithmic derivative wϭd ln /d ln T as a function of T 1/2 for various external pressures reveals that w is a decreasing function of temperature for low pressure and gradually becomes an increasing function of temperature at higher pressures, in both FeSi and FeSi 0.95 Ge 0.05 . These results indicate that the localized states in the gap delocalize, giving rise to an insulator to metal transition as a function of pressure. From the nature of the temperature dependence of w across the transition, it can be surmised that the insulator to metal transition in FeSi is possibly continuous as in doped semiconductors.