The article embarks on an investigative journey into the complex legal and ethical landscape shaped by the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The research problem centres on the urgent need to understand and address the gap between evolving AI technologies and the existing legal and ethical frameworks. This gap poses significant challenges to societal norms, legal systems, and ethical principles, warranting a comprehensive multidisciplinary analysis.
The research objectives are twofold: firstly, to dissect the legal implications AI poses to existing regulatory structures, and secondly, to explore the ethical dilemmas emanating from AI's pervasive influence across various societal sectors. The study employs an eclectic research method, integrating doctrinal analysis with a qualitative examination of case studies and existing literature across disciplines like law, ethics, technology, and sociology. This approach facilitates a holistic understanding of the AI era's legal and ethical intricacies.
The key findings of this research underscore a dissonance between rapid technological advancements in AI and the slower evolution of legal and ethical norms. This disjunction leads to legal loopholes and ethical ambiguities in AI governance, privacy, accountability, and human rights. Furthermore, the study identifies a pressing need for adaptive legal frameworks and ethical guidelines that can keep pace with AI's transformative impact.
Implications of these findings are profound for both theory and practice. Theoretically, the article contributes to an enriched understanding of the intersection between law, ethics, and technology. Practically, it offers actionable insights for policymakers, technologists, and ethicists to collaboratively formulate responsive legal and ethical strategies. These strategies are essential for safeguarding societal values while embracing technological progress, ensuring AI's development is both legally sound and ethically responsible.