Electrical transport measurements were performed on URu 2−x FexSi 2 single-crystal specimens in high magnetic fields up to 45 T (DC fields) and 60 T (pulsed fields). We observed a systematic evolution of the critical fields for both the hidden-order (HO) and large-moment antiferromagnetic (LMAFM) phases and established the 3D phase diagram of T-H-x. In the HO phase, H/H 0 scales with T/T 0 and collapses onto a single curve. However, in the LMAFM phase, this single scaling relation is not satisfied. Within a certain range of x values, the HO phase reenters after the LMAFM phase is suppressed by the magnetic field, similar to the behavior observed for URu 2 Si 2 within a certain range of pressures.hidden order | URu 2 Si 2 | high magnetic field | phase diagram A prime example of emergent behavior in a strongly correlated electron system is the so-called "hidden-order" (HO) phase in the heavy fermion compound URu2Si2 that occurs below T0 = 17.5 K and coexists with superconductivity below Tc = 1.5 K (1-3). Neutron-scattering experiments reveal the presence of a small antiferromagnetic moment of only 0.03 µB /U parallel to the tetragonal c axis in the HO phase (4) which is far too small to account for the entropy of 0.2Rln(2) associated with the observed specific heat anomaly (2). Early attempts to identify the order parameter (OP) of the HO phase were unsuccessful, which led to the terminology of hidden order. Over the past three decades, experimentalists and theoreticians alike have expended an enormous amount of effort in trying to identify the OP of the elusive HO phase and many candidates for the HO phase have been proposed (5, 6). However, the nature and origin of the HO phase have not yet been definitively established, although some possibilities have recently emerged (7,8).An important aspect of the HO phase is that it exists in close proximity to a large-moment antiferromagnetic (LMAFM) phase that arises for pressures greater than Pc ≥ 0.5-1.5 GPa (9). Detailed neutron-diffraction experiments suggest that the small antiferromagnetic moment in the HO phase is not intrinsic but is induced by strain that leads to the presence of small regions of the LMAFM phase within the HO phase (10, 11). In addition, inelastic neutron-scattering experiments reveal that at Pc, the spin gap of the incommensurate Q1 = (0.4, 0, 0) resonance mode related to the heavy quasi-particles increases from 4 meV to 8 meV, while the spin gap of the commensurate Q0 = (1, 0, 0) resonance mode vanishes (12), demonstrating that the local spin degrees of freedom at Q0 "freeze out" above Pc and lead to the emergence of the LMAFM phase. This suggests that the HO and LMAFM phases are intimately related and that a detailed understanding of both phases and their competition will be useful in unraveling the nature of the OP of the HO phase.While experiments under applied pressure provide tantalizing clues regarding the relationship between HO and LMAFM order, progress has been slow due to experimental challenges associated with measurements under suc...