Sonic spray creates a stream of neutral
and charged microdroplets
without application of voltage, heating, laser irradiation, or corona
discharge. The solvent of interest flows through an inner capillary
(usually constructed of fused silica) that is surrounded by an outer
stainless-steel tube through which a nebulizing gas flows under pressure.
This technique has been widely used as the interface in mass spectrometric
studies for chemical analysis and for understanding microdroplet chemistry.
We have used light scattering to characterize the size distribution
and density for water microdroplets as a function of several parameters,
such as water quality, water flow rate, nebulizing gas pressure, and
sonic sprayer geometry. We find that the size distribution of the
microdroplets, which is critical to many applications, depends most
sensitively on the distance between the inner and outer capillary
outlets and the gas flow pressure. The best performance as measured
by the smallness of the microdroplet diameters is obtained when the
gas flow pressure is the highest and there is no separation distance, d, between the two capillary outlets. In addition, at d = 0 mm, the microdroplet diameter distribution is nearly
independent of the water flow rate, indicating that studies under
these conditions can be scaled up.