At neutron flux levels typical for Zircaloy fiel cladding in commercial power reactors, there is insuffkient thermal energy below about 600°K to maintain long-range order in hexagonal close packed (hcp) Zr(Fe,Cr)2 precipitates, and these Laves-phase intermetallics gradually become amorphous. The transformation is homogeneous with no change in composition at low temperatures, but above 500°& an amorphous zone containing only 10 atO/O Fe grows inward from the periphery as Fe moves outward to the adjacent alloy matrix. The shrinking central cores of Zr(Fe,Cr)2 precipitates in Zircaloy-4 remain crystalline, while in Zircaloy-2 these precipitates quickly undergo partial transformation and the low-Fe amorphous front advances into a random mixture of amorphous and crystalline regions, each with the original composition. Above 600°K, the Zr(Fe,Cr)2 precipitates tend to retain both their hcp structure and original chemical composition.These observations suggest that a dynamic competition between kinetic excitation to an amorphous state and thermal recrystallization makes some fraction of the Fe atoms available for flux-assisted diffixsion to the alloy matrix by displacing them from hcp lattice positions into metastable, probably interstitial, sites. With one set of kinetic constants, a simple analytic representation of these processes accurately predicts precipitate arnorphization as a function of neutron flux, temperature, and time for either Zircaloy-2 or -4. By implication, over the composition range of interest, hcp Zr(Fe,Cr)2 is most stable thermodynamically with about 33 at% Fe, typical of Zircaloy-2, but amorphous Zr(Fe,Cr)2 has the smallest activation energy for recrystallization with the slightly higher Fe content typical of Zircaloy-4.