Detailed and precise background predictions are the backbone of large parts of high-energy collider phenomenology. This requires to embed precision QCD calculations into detailed event generators, to produce comprehensive software simulations. Only continued progress in this direction will allow us to exploit the full potential of measurements at the Large Hadron Collider, or at a future Electron-Ion Collider. This work presents a method to combine third-order QCD calculations for hadronic scattering processes with Monte-Carlo event generators, thus enabling a new generation of precision predictions.
I. INTRODUCTIONMeasurements at particle colliders aim to provide insights into the fundamental building blocks of physics by juxtaposing experimentally recorded scattering final states with detailed theory simulations. Any deviation from the expectation (based on the Standard Model of particle physics) hints at new research directions.This "indirect search" strategy relies on sophisticated event generators, which should furnish an accurate model of the scattering dynamics [1]. On top of this, precision predictions have become ever more important, as detailed error budgets are mandatory for reliable comparisons to experimental data. Such predictions are crucial to the LHC phenomenology programme -where new-physics signals have to be lifted from immense QCD backgrounds -as well as future Electron-Ion colliders, where novel QCD phenomena have to be confronted with higher-order QCD calculations within the collinear factorization approximation. These simulations rely on combining high-precision fixed-order (QCD) calculations with parton evolution via all-order parton showering, yielding higher-order event generators.NLO event generators [2] have become the staple of LHC phenomenology, while NNLO event generators have, albeit still requiring cutting-edge research, become more commonplace [3]. These generators typically require dedicated implementations of higher-order calculations. Thus, methods to enable higher-order event generators should ideally be known when leaps in precision are achieved in fixed-order calculations.Recent years have seen impressive progress in producing N3LO fixed-order QCD predictions, both at the inclusive [4] and the fully differential level [5][6][7][8]. In some cases, these fully-differential results have even been used to supplement resummed predictions for important observables [6][7][8][9]. This note offers a method to produce N3LO event generators for processes with incoming hadrons, expanding on the proof-of-principle work [10] concerned with leptonic collisions. The method employs an intuitive "subtract what you add" scheme to disentangle fixed-order corrections and partonshower contributions, up to third order in QCD. The feasibility of an implementation of the method is tested using the controlled environment of a "toy N3LO calculation" 1 . Overall, these tests provide abstract arguments for the validity and accuracy of the NNLO+PS method with a numerical verification.