2 Geosalt -Badania i ekspertyzy geologiczne z³ó¿ soli, Rzepichy 42, 30-240 Kraków, Po land Tobo³a, T., Wachowiak, J. 2018. Ev i dence of high-tem per a ture rock salt trans for ma tions in ar eas of oc cur rence of bo rate min er als (Zechstein, K³odawa salt dome, Po land). Geo log i cal Quar terly, 62 (1): 134-145, doi: 10.7306/gq.1390 Oc cur rences of bo rate min er als in the Zechstein salt-bear ing de pos its of the K³odawa salt dome (cen tral Po land), and the man ner of their de vel op ment, sug gest that the min er als were formed at high tem per a tures, that con sid er ably ex ceed the tem per a ture es ti mated from the ther mal gra di ent (~180°C). Re search on rock salt and po tas sium-mag ne sium salts con taining congolite and boracite, re spec tively, are con sis tent with high-tem per a ture pro cesses of trans for ma tions af fect ing the salt rocks in cer tain sec tions of the salt dome. The chem i cal com po si tion of, and daugh ter min er als oc cur ring in, pri mary fluid inclu sions in ha lite, orig i nat ing from the congolite zone, in di cated a very high pro por tion of po tas sium and mag ne sium in the brines from which the ha lite crys tal lised. The ther mal trans for ma tions ob served in in clu sions in di cate a ha lite crystallisation tem per a ture ex ceed ing 420°C. Anhydrite crys tals, co-oc cur ring with bo rate min er als, rep re sent unique fea tures as to the distri bu tion and com po si tion of solid and fluid in clu sions. These fea tures in di cate crystallisation or recrystallisation in con di tions that dif fered con sid er ably from those typ i cal of the salt dome, with the in volve ment of so lu tions of chang ing chem i cal com posi tions. The crys tals con tain mul ti ple solid in clu sions of trans par ent and non-trans par ent min er als, among which we have focused on car nal lite. The re la tion ships of car nal lite with liq uid and gas eous phases in di cate, as in the congolite zone, mi gra tion of very highly con cen trated brines with re spect to po tas sium and mag ne sium, or even trans port of car nal lite in the form of melt (liq uid). Mea sure ments of fluid in clu sion ho mog e ni za tion tem per a tures, within the range from 197.8 to 473.8°C, sup ported a high-tem per a ture or i gin for these min er als in hy dro ther mal con di tions.Key words: Zechstein, salt de posit, hy dro ther mal con di tions, bo rates, fluid in clu sions.