The emission lines emitted from gaseous nebulae carry valuable information about the physical conditions and chemical abundances of ionized gases in these objects, as well as the interstellar reddening. We determine the electron temperature, the electron density, and the ionic abundances from the dereddened fluxes of collisionally excited lines (CEL) and recombination lines (RL) identified in nebular spectra (see e.g. Danehkar, Parker, and Ercolano (2013); Danehkar et al. (2014); Danehkar, Parker, and Steffen (2016); Danehkar (2018b)).proEQUIB is a library including several application programming interface (API) functions developed in the Interactive Data Language (IDL), which can be used to determine temperatures, densities, and chemical abundances from emission lines of ionized nebulae. This IDL library can also be used by the GNU Data Language (GDL) ; Coulais et al. (2010)), which is a free and open-source alternative IDL compiler. This IDL/GDL package employs the IDL library AtomNeb Atomic Data for Ionized Nebulae (Danehkar (2018a)), which contains collision strengths and transition probabilities for collisional excitation calculations, and recombination coefficients for recombination calculations. This package includes several API functions to determine physical conditions and chemical abundances from CEL and RL, derive interstellar extinctions from Balmer lines, and deredden the observed fluxes:• The API functions for the CEL analysis were developed in the IDL programming language based on the algorithm of the FORTRAN program EQUIB (Howarth and Adams (1981); Howarth et al. (2016)), which calculates atomic level populations and line emissivities in statistical equilibrium in multi-level atoms for the given physical conditions. These API functions can be used to determine the electron temperature, the electron density, and the ionic abundances from the dereddened fluxes of collisionally excited lines emitted from ionized gaseous nebulae. • The API functions for the RL analysis were developed in IDL according to the algorithm of the recombination scripts by X. W. Liu and Y. Zhang included in the FORTRAN program MOCASSIN (Ercolano et al. (2003); Ercolano, Barlow, and Storey (2005)). These API functions can be used to determine the ionic abundances from the dereddened fluxes of recombination lines emitted from ionized nebulae.