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NRC Publications Record / Notice d'Archives des publications de CNRC:http://nparc.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/view/object/?id=20450f55-93e4-4f30-a675-ec0bfa25d45d http://nparc.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/fra/voir/objet/?id=20450f55-93e4-4f30-a675-ec0bfa25d45dPage 1 of 25
AbstractWe applied Conditional Demand Analysis (CDA) to estimate the average annual energy use of various electrical and natural gas appliances, and derived energy reductions associated with certain appliance upgrades and behaviours. The raw data came from 9773 Canadian households, and comprised annual electricity and natural gas use, and responses to >600 questions on dwelling and occupant characteristics, appliances, heating and cooling equipment, and associated behaviours. Replacing an old (>10 years) refrigerator with a new one was estimated to save 100 kWh/yr; replacing an incandescent lamp with a CFL/LED lamp was estimated to save 20 kWh/yr; and upgrading an old central heating system with a new one was estimated to save 2000 kWh/yr. This latter effect was similar to that of reducing the number of walls exposed to the outside. Reducing the winter thermostat setpoint during occupied, waking hours was estimated to lower annual energy use by 200 kWh/ o C-reduction, and lowering the thermostat setting overnight in winter relative to the setting during waking hours (nighttime setback) was estimated to have a similar effect. This information may be used by policy-makers to optimize incentive programs, information campaigns, or other energy use change instruments.
KeywordsResidential, appliances, Canada
Research Highlights Conditional Demand Analysis (CDA) applied to data from 9773 Canadian households Energy savings associated with certain appliance upgrades estimated Energy savings associated with thermostat behaviours estimated Policy-makers can use findings to optimize incentives and information campaigns