This paper presents application ofoptical rnicroscope for evaluation ofrnicrotexture changes ofcoarse aggregate during simulated polishing in laboratory. Observations of the apparent changes on surfaces of seven different aggregates are presented. Sirnulation polishing of aggregate was perforrned in accordance with PN-EN I 097-8:2009. lmages of the aggregate surface were taken with the optical microscope in the reflection mode in particular stages of polishing. Digital images were analyzed. Standard deviation was determined on the bas is of the histogram of intensities frorn digital irnages of the surfaces of aggregate grains which was assurned as the measure of changes in microtexture during simulated polishing (namely the a" parameter). Statistical analysis has shown that the changes of the a" parameter between the patticular stages of polishing confirm certain trends related to the petrographic characteristic of the rocks. Aggregates which included minerals of sim i lar hardness (granodiorite, dolomile, basall) were more prone to polishing than gabbro and postglacial. Regeneration of the microtexture, the recovery to its original asperity, occurred in the case of quartz sandstone and steelmaking slag.