To establish whether quantitative 111In antimyosin uptake can be used to predict infarct age, we studied the heart-lung ratio in 107 images from 90 patients at various intervals following a Q-wave infarction. Imaging was performed 24 hours following 111In antimyosin injection. The HLR was measured as the ratio of the maximum counts in the infarcted myocardium to the adjacent lung background. The ratio ranged from 1.26 to 3.87, and declined with increasing infarct age. Infarcts were classified on the basis of age as type I (less than 3 days old), type II (less than 14 days), and type III (less than 90 days). True positive and false positive rates (TPR and FPR), and test-likelihood ratio calculations were performed for HLR thresholds ranging from 1 to 4, for the three infarct types. A FPR of 0% and likelihood ratio of infinity was obtained at a HLR threshold of 2.3 for type I infarcts (TPR 40.8%); at a HLR threshold of 2 for type II infarcts (TPR 50.6%), and a threshold of 1.8 for type III infarcts (TPR 52.6%). The likelihood of each infarct type can be estimated directly from the HLR for values below the above thresholds. These results show that quantitative 111In-antimyosin imaging may be used to predict infarct age.