The present study aims to assess the diversity of fish in the lower basin of the Comoé River. In a specific manner, it comes to doing survey, to identify the factors determining the ichtyological diversity of this river. Data presented are from experimental and artisanal fisheries during eight seasonal campaigns, from June 2014 to May 2017. This study identified 67 fish species divided into 11 orders and 30 families. Of these 67species, 16 are reported for the first time in the river basin. Perciformes (40.30 %), Siluriformes (17.91 %) and Osteoglossiformes (11.94 %) are the most represented. In terms of abundance, the highest value, that is, 2428 out of 7265 specimens captured, or 33.42 %, was recorded at Adjékro and the lowest, that is 583, or 8.02 % at Moossou. From a distribution point of view, the Shannon-Weaver (H ') index and equitability (E) values indicate that the fish populations are generally balanced. The parameters related to mineralization (pH and conductivity) and transparency appear to be the most discriminating in the distribution of fish in the waters.