To gauge the relative importance of contingency and determinism in evolution is a fundamental problem that continues to motivate much theoretical and empirical research. In recent evolution experiments with microbes, this question has been explored by monitoring the repeatability of adaptive changes in replicate populations. Here, we present the results of an extensive computational study of evolutionary predictability based on an experimentally measured eight-locus fitness landscape for the filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger. To quantify predictability, we define entropy measures on observed mutational trajectories and endpoints. In contrast to the common expectation of increasingly deterministic evolution in large populations, we find that these entropies display an initial decrease and a subsequent increase with population size N, governed, respectively, by the scales Nμ and Nμ 2 , corresponding to the supply rates of single and double mutations, where μ denotes the mutation rate. The amplitude of this pattern is determined by μ. We show that these observations are generic by comparing our findings for the experimental fitness landscape to simulations on simple model landscapes.clonal interference | epistasis | experimental evolution E volutionary adaptations arise from an intricate interplay of deterministic selective forces and random reproductive or mutational events, and the relative roles of these two types of influences on the outcome of evolution has been subject to longstanding controversy with significant philosophical implications (1, 2). Although the vision of "replaying the tape of life" on Earth or on some extrasolar planet remains confined to the realm of imagination (3, 4), evolution experiments with microbial populations have begun to address predictability of adaptation on a microevolutionary scale (5-9). In particular, strong signatures of parallel evolution have been observed in the context of the evolution of antibiotic resistance in pathogens, a finding that is of direct relevance to strategies of drug design and deployment (10-14). As lack of knowledge of crucial parameters (e.g., the frequency of beneficial mutations) in such experiments prevents forward predictions, predictability is used in a weaker, a posteriori sense implying repeatability of evolutionary trajectories in replicate populations. For this reason, the two terms will often be used interchangeably in the following (15).The repeatability of adaptive trajectories is expected to depend on the genetic constraints imposed by epistatic interactions as well as on parameters such as population size N, mutation rate μ, and the typical scale s of selection coefficients (16-18). To be specific, consider a population evolving in the regime of strong selection and weak mutation (SSWM), where mutations are so rare that normally not more than one mutant is present simultaneously and the population can be represented as a single entity that performs an adaptive walk in the space of genotypes (19)(20)(21). Such walks are constrained to ...