The mode switching in Cepheids is studied using the methods of the nonlinear theory of stellar pulsation, depending on the main sequence mass M 0 and the abundance of elements heavier than helium Z . The grid of evolutionary and hydrodynamic models of corehelium burning Cepheids is represented by 30 evolutionary sequences of stars with initial masses 5.7M ≤ M 0 ≤ 7.2M and Z = 0.014, 0.018, 0.022. For considered values of Z the periods of the fundamental mode and the first overtone at the oscillation mode switching are shown to depend on the mean density of the stellar matter. The upper limit of the period of the first overtone decreases witn increasing Z from ≈ 6.9 day for Z = 0.014 to ≈ 4.1 day for Z = 0.022. The theoretical period-radius relation is independent of Z and agrees well (within 2.5%) with recent measurements of Cepheid radii based on the Baade-Wesselink method. The fundamental parameters of the short-period Cepheid CG Cas were derived with application of observational estimates of the period and the rate of period change. This star is shown to be the first-overtone pulsator.