Control theory has developed rapidly since the first papers by Pontryagin and collaborators in the late 1950s, and is now established as an important area of applied mathematics. Optimal control, stabilization and controllability have already found their way into many areas of modeling and control in engineering, and nowadays are strongly utilized in many other fields of applied sciences, in particular biology, medicine, economics, and finance. Research activity in control theory is seen as a source of many useful and flexible tools in decision making, such as for optimal therapies (in medicine) and strategies (in economics). The methods of control theory are drawn from a varied spectrum of mathematical results, and, on the other hand, control problems provide a rich source of deep mathematical problems. The choice of applications to either life sciences or economics takes into account modern trends of treating economic problems in osmosis with biological paradigms.The aim of this Special Issue is to provide a tour of methods in control theory and related computational methods for ODE and PDE models and to emphasize the applications in different domains. It brings together new developments in these areas of research obtained by top specialists from ten countries, as well as illustrates applications of these results to a wide range of real-world problems.The contents of this Special Issue reflects the recent research interests of the contributors, but we are confident that, altogether, this Special Issue represents a reasonable cross section of current mathematical research in control theory. A glance to the table of contents will convince the reader that the contributions to this Special Issue are not only of interest for those working in the control theory, but also from other fields of mathematics. Both theoretical and algorithmic developments contained in this Special Issue can be seen in the list of papers briefly presented below. The applications of the theoretical results mainly concern the following domains: biological populations, environmental sciences, medicine and economics.The paper "Zero-Stabilization for Some Diffusive Models with State Constraints" by S. Aniţa, treats with the zero-controllability and the zero-stabilizability for the nonnegative solutions to some Fisher-like models with nonlocal terms describing the dynamics of biological populations with diffusion, logistic term and migration. A necessary and sufficient condition for the nonnegative zero-stabilizability for a linear integro-partial differential equation is obtained in terms of the sign of the principal eigenvalue to a certain c EDP Sciences, 2014 Article published by EDP Sciences and available at