The highly efficient glycolytic enzyme, triosephosphate isomerase, is expected to differentially stabilize the proposed stable reaction species: ketone, aldehyde, and enediol(ate). The identity and steady-state populations of the chemical entities bound to triosephosphate isomerase have been probed by using solid-and solution-state NMR. The 13 C-enriched ketone substrate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, was bound to the enzyme and characterized at steady state over a range of sample conditions. The ketone substrate was observed to be the major species over a temperature range from ؊60°C to 15°C. Thus, there is no suggestion that the enzyme preferentially stabilizes the reactive intermediate or the product. The predominance of dihydroxyacetone phosphate on the enzyme would support a mechanism in which the initial proton abstraction in the reaction from dihydroxyacetone phosphate to D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is significantly slower than the subsequent chemical steps.enzymatic catalysis ͉ Michaelis complex ͉ solid-state NMR T he glycolytic enzyme triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) catalyzes isomerization of a ketone to an aldehyde, progressing via two successive proton transfers involving carbon acids and additional proton transfers for the attached oxygen atoms (Fig. 1). The precise path of the transferred proton and the identity of the reaction intermediates have been, by and large, deduced from the fate of isotopic labels (1, 2). The existence of a stable enediol(ate) intermediate has been inferred from the loss of an isotope label from the substrate during the reaction (1, 3); this reaction intermediate must exist with a sufficient lifetime to allow partial equilibration of the catalytic base with the surrounding solvent. Moreover, when the reaction takes place in tritiated water the solvent's tritium is incorporated into both the substrate and product, evidence that the hydrogen of the newly formed carbonhydrogen bond is mostly derived from the solvent (4, 5) and that exchange occurs from an enzyme bound intermediate. The stereochemistry of the reaction (2) and the orientation of the substrate in the Michaelis complex (6) strongly suggest that the reaction intermediate is a cis-enediol(ate). Based on a comprehensive study of isotope effects supplemented by extensive biophysical investigations of the reaction mechanism (7, 8), Albery and Knowles (9) constructed a kinetically detailed energy profile for the reversible interconversion of substrate, product, and one intermediate subject to isotope exchange with solvent ( Fig. 1).This now well known reaction energy profile illustrated for the first time many of the essential elements contributing to the high catalytic efficiency brought about by enzymes (10). For example, the free-energy profile illustrates the potential catalytic power of preferential stabilization of intermediates in a reaction. The high catalytic efficiency of TIM [almost 10 orders of magnitude compared with the reaction catalyzed by an acetate ion (11)] is thought to arise from matching the pK a va...