Potential solid organ transplant recipients broadly sensitized to HLA have long wait times, low transplant rates and poor outcomes. The new kidney allocation system has improved access to the most highly sensitized recipients; however, their long-term outcomes are unknown. Emerging data suggest that memory B cell repertoire is broader than the plasma cell repertoire, therefore, despite refinements in anti-HLA antibody detection technology, donor-specific HLA- specific memory B cells may in fact be present in some, if not most, highly sensitized recipients with no detectable donor-specific antibodies. In addition, new findings have underscored the heterogeneity in memory B cell generation, and in the signals that determine memory versus plasma cell fate during primary antigen encounter, as well as memory B cell differentiation upon antigen reencounter into plasma cells or reentry into germinal centers to subsequently emerge as higher affinity and class-switched plasma cells. Thus, heterogeneity memory B cells generation may affect the efficacy of specific immunomodulation during the recall response. We propose that the ability to quantify donor-specific B cell in transplant recipients is urgently required to provide insights into the mechanisms of sensitization and recall, and for the early detection of acute and chronic AMR.