“…Investigations dealing with the local environment and valences of the cations in (Pu,Am)O 2Àx indicated that Am occupies the Pu sites in the oxide and will reduce to Am(III) prior to any reduction of Pu(IV). 154,186 In comparison to the theoretical a 0 values of 5.396 Å and 5.373 Å for PuO 2 and AmO 2 , respectively, it was demonstrated that the presence of Am in (Pu 1Ày , Am y )O 2Àx may induce an increase in the lattice parameter for the oxide studied (a 0 ¼ 5.400 and 5.411 Å for Am/(Pu+Am) ¼ 0.008 and 0.2, respectively). 187 At high temperature, low Am concentration and low oxygen-to-metal ratio, Am is mainly found in the +III state.…”