The fault-tolerant design is a very important part of electronic system design. Redundant fault-tolerant design is a kind of fault-tolerant design method it is simple and effective. The previous researchers pay more attention to the influence of the output of circuits on the fault-tolerance of redundant system. Compared with the previous works, the characteristic of this paper is that we will study the circuit structure's influence on the system's fault tolerance. First we propose a matrix representation method which describes the structure of analog circuit with a matrix. By calculating the Euclidean distance between the structures of circuit, we find that the distance is inversely proportional to system's fault tolerance. Finally, we introduce a matric learning method based on the Mahalanobis distance. Experiment results show that under the effect of the new learned distance matric, along with the decrease of the distance between circuit structures, the system's fault tolerance will deteriorate. The relationship is useful for us to build redundancy fault-tolerant system.