Importing design patterns from software engineering to the computer science education (CSE) field was followed by defining patterns and pattern languages suitable for CS courses. The main goal of incorporating patterns in CSE was to enhance students' programming abilities, as well as their design and problem-solving skills. Accordingly, various instructional materials were suggested for using patterns in classroom learning activities, such as collections of patterns and related programming assignments. However, the existing pattern-based materials seem to be insufficient for implementation in the classroom, especially when teaching introductory courses that emphasize syntax and programming language features. Therefore, alternative methods using applicative models for pattern-based instruction, which emphasize problem solving and program design issues rather than specific language features and syntax, should be developed and assimilated within the CS teaching community. We believe that successful implementation of such models should be accompanied by appropriate teachertraining.In this paper we describe an initial effort to expose CS teachers to the notions of pedagogical patterns and pattern-based instruction, aimed at motivating them to meaningfully adopt and adapt patterns to their concrete pedagogical needs.