As one of the solutions to tackle
climate change caused by excess
carbon dioxide (CO2) emission, CO2 geological
storage has been increasingly implemented globally to store CO2 securely and permanently in the subsurface. In the current
study, structural trapping, which shows the potential of initial CO2 containment and integrity of the subsurface structure, is
experimentally investigated with CO2 leakage assessed.
CO2 containment is quantified by CO2 column
height, which describes the amount of CO2 accumulated in
the formation underneath seal rock and is controlled by a balance
between capillary and gravitational forces acting on formation brine
and invading CO2. While previous studies considered only
contributions from seal rock (i.e., “nonrelative”),
the current study examines a concurrent contribution from reservoir
rock as a seal–reservoir “relative” column height
since CO2 storage as an analogy to petroleum reservoir
is a structural trap consisting of the reservoir and impermeable seal
covered. A distinctive discrepancy was found between the resultant
relative and nonrelative column heights. The nonrelative column heights
were positive (∼3000 m), implying a high potential for CO2 storage. On the contrary, with reservoir rock contribution
considered, the relative column heights were negative (∼−1800
m), suggesting CO2 leakage through the structural trap.
This was attributed to a relatively larger reservoir pore size (5.72
nm) than that of seal rock (4.04 nm). Hence, the contribution from
reservoir rock characteristics is non-negligible when analyzing CO2 storage potential. Owing to CO2 dissolution in
formation brine, CO2-induced effects including a geochemical
reaction between acidic carbonated brine and rocks were also investigated.
Rock dissolutions in both seal (claystone) and reservoir (limestone)
rocks were observed with changes in the pore size, leading to lower
storage potential. Further attempts to improve the column height were
made by hydrophobizing seal rock via surfactant adsorption, although
the changes were slight and could only facilitate a possible leakage
(less negative height column).