Adoptive transfer of regulatory T (Treg) cells could be an alternative to chronic immunosuppression for prevention of allogeneic graft rejection. While polyspecific Treg cells can prevent immune responses under lymphopenic conditions, Ag-specific Treg cells are needed to treat autoimmunity and graft rejection. Yet, reliable markers for Ag-specific Treg cells are missing. We report that latency-associated peptide (LAP) and glycoprotein A repetitions predominant (GARP) can identify human Ag-specific Treg cells. In addition,we show that the depletion of CD154 + cells from LAP + or GARP + Treg cells increases the Treg-cell purity to over 90%, as assessed by epigenetic analysis. These Ag-specific Treg cells can be isolated magnetically and might contribute to the development of GMP-based protocols. In addition, Ag-specific Treg cells are functionally far superior to CD4 + CD25 high or CD4 + CD25 high CD127 low Treg cells in vitro and in preventing strong alloreactions in humanized mice. They could, therefore, have a high therapeutic potential for the control of alloimmune, autoimmune, and allergic immune responses in patients.Keywords: Antigen-specific r CD154 r GARP r LAP r Regulatory T (Treg) cells Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher's web-site
IntroductionIn organ transplantation, acute rejection can be prevented by a combination of nonspecific immunosuppressive drugs and immunomodulatory induction therapies, yet chronic rejection and chronic graft dysfunction remain a clinical problem [1]. In addition, chronic nonspecific immunosuppression causes renal dysfunction and predisposes patients to infections and increased Correspondence: Dr. Elmar Jaeckel e-mail: risk of malignancies [1]. Innate and adaptive immune responses can be controlled by Treg cells, thereby offering new therapeutic options after organ transplantation [2][3][4][5][6]. CD4 + CD25 high FOXP3 + Treg cells have been shown to be of major importance in allospecific tolerance in animal models and to influence donor-specific immune responses in transplant patients [7][8][9][10]. After allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, polyspecific Treg cells can prevent GVH disease without influencing * These authors contributed equally to this work.C 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Eur. J. Immunol. 2014. 44: 2592-2602 Cellular immune response 2593 graft-versus-leukemia responses [11,12]. Therefore, polyspecific CD4 + CD25 high cells are currently being evaluated after stem cell transplantation [13]. However, under nonlymphopenic conditions as seen in patients with autoimmune diseases or in patients after organ transplantation, polyspecific Treg cells have so far been largely ineffective in controlling immune responses [5,14,15] [24], and CD137 (4-1BB) [25] were described as Treg-cell activation markers after polyspecific Treg-cell activation.In this manuscript, we demonstrated for the first time that LAP and GARP can be use...