In this article, we consider the Euclidean dispersion problems. Let P = {p 1 , p 2 , . . . , p n } be a set of n points in R 2 . For each point p ∈ P and S ⊆ P , we define cost γ (p, S) as the sum of Euclidean distance from p to the nearest γ point in S \ {p}. We define cost γ (S) = min p∈S {cost γ (p, S)} for S ⊆ P . In the γ-dispersion problem, a set P of n points in R 2 and a positive integer k ∈ [γ + 1, n] are given. The objective is to find a subset S ⊆ P of size k such that cost γ (S) is maximized. We consider both 2-dispersion and 1-dispersion problem in R 2 . Along with these, we also consider 2-dispersion problem when points are placed on a line. In this paper, we propose a simple polynomial time (2 √ 3 + )-factor approximation algorithm for the 2-dispersion problem, for any > 0, which is an improvement over the best known approximation factor 4 √ 3 [Amano, K. and Nakano, S. I., An approximation algorithm for the 2-dispersion problem, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. 103(3), pp. 506-508, 2020]. Next, we develop a common framework for designing an approximation algorithm for the Euclidean dispersion problem. With this common framework, we improve the approximation factor to 2 √ 3 for the 2-dispersion problem in R 2 . Using the same framework, we propose a polynomial time algorithm, which returns an optimal solution for the 2-dispersion problem when points are placed on a line. Moreover, to show the effectiveness of the framework, we also propose a 2-factor approximation algorithm for the 1-dispersion problem in R 2 .