We obtain higher dimensional solutions for super compact star for the BuchdahlVaidya-Tikekar metric ansatz. In particular, Vaidya and Tikekar characterized the 3-geometry by a parameter, K which is related to the sign of density gradient. It turns out that the key pressure isotropy equation continues to have the same Gauss form, and hence 4-dimensional solutions can be taken over to higher dimensions with K satisfying the relation, K n = (K 4 − n + 4)/(n − 3) where subscript refers to dimension of spacetime. Further K ≥ 0 is required else density would have undesirable feature of increasing with radius, and the equality indicates a constant density star described by the Schwarzschild interior solution. This means for a given K 4 , maximum dimension could only be n = K 4 + 4, else K n will turn negative.