We introduce a class of integrable dynamical systems of interacting
classical matrix-valued fields propagating on a discrete space-time
lattice, realized as many-body circuits built from elementary symplectic
two-body maps. The models provide an efficient integrable Trotterization
of non-relativistic \sigmaσ-models
with complex Grassmannian manifolds as target spaces, including, as
special cases, the higher-rank analogues of the Landau–Lifshitz field
theory on complex projective spaces. As an application, we study
transport of Noether charges in canonical local equilibrium states. We
find a clear signature of superdiffusive behavior in the
Kardar–Parisi–Zhang universality class, irrespectively of the chosen
underlying global unitary symmetry group and the quotient structure of
the compact phase space, providing a strong indication of superuniversal