“…Among the most notable features of this exactly solvable spin chain one could mention an existence of onethird magnetization plateau in a low-temperature magnetization curve, spectacular temperature dependences of susceptibility and specific heat [1], outstanding temperature and magnetic-field dependences of entanglement measures [2,3], highly non-monotonous thermal variations of correlation functions [4], a striking plateau of Lyapunov exponent [5], a remarkable distribution of partition function zeros [6] and an enhanced cooling rate during the adiabatic demagnetization [7]. It turns out, moreover, that generalized versions of the spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain accounting for the asymmetry [8,9], four-spin coupling [10,11] and/or second-neighbour interaction [12] might exhibit even a more diverse magnetic behaviour. The existance of the magnetization plateaus and multiple peak structure of the specific heat have been also detected on a distorted Ising-Hubbard diamond chain [13].…”