Recently, it was shown that strongly correlated metallic fermionic systems [Nature Phys. 3, 168 (2007)] generically display kinks in the dispersion of single fermions without the coupling to collective modes. Here we provide compelling evidence that the physical origin of these kinks are emerging internal collective modes of the fermionic systems. In the Hubbard model under study these modes are identified to be spin fluctuations which are the precursors of the spin excitations in the insulating phase. In spite of their damping the emergent modes give rise to signatures very similar to features of models including coupling to external modes. PACS numbers: 71.27.+a,71.30.+h,74.25.Jb,75.20.Hr The description of nascent collective modes which emerge from elementary excitations on varying a control parameter g is an intensely studied field of research. The difficulty relies in the fact that in one limit of g the elementary excitations dominate while in the other limit the collective modes dominate. In the vicinity of the transition or around the crossover necessarily both degrees of freedom need to be taken into account so that the interplay of both kinds of excitations is crucial. No simple theory assesses this interplay.Here we will focus on strongly correlated electronic systems and especially on the metal-insulator transition induced by a repulsive interaction U on a lattice with a commensurate number of electrons per site. The simplest case is a local interaction with one electron per site on average [1]. For low values of U the electrons move through the lattice so that the system is metallic. For large values of U the hopping is blocked and the system is insulating with frozen charge degree of freedom. But the spin dynamics is still active. In leading order in t/U (t the hopping matrix element) this dynamics is captured by a Heisenberg model [2]. The collective modes are the spin excitations built from bound electron-hole pairs.When the system is still metallic, but close to its insulating regime, we intend to understand how the emergent spin modes influence the electronic quasiparticles. This issue is important to many strongly correlated systems. One prominent example is high temperature superconductiviy where a large number of theories explains the attractive interaction between charge carriers by the interplay with spin fluctuations. One line of argument links the kinks that are observed in the dispersion of the fermionic holes, see for instance [3,4,5,6,7], to the interaction with bosonic modes. This is the usual reasoning for phonons coupled to electrons [8]. Other bosonic modes, however, will engender the same sort of kinks, for instance plasmons [9]. In the high-T c materials, spin fluctuations have an important influence on the quasiparticles, see e.g. Ref.[10]. They are likely candidates for the bosonic modes, see e.g. Ref.[11] where this is worked out in the fluctuation-exchange approximation.Byczuk et al. [12] recently showed by a sophisticated analysis of the equations of dynamic mean-field t...