In continuation of our earlier investigation (referred to hereafter as part I) where we considered the mathematically simple case of magnetic ÿeld orientation along the Z-axis of the principal axes frame (PAF) of the electric quadrupole ÿeld, we take up here the general problem of arbitrary orientation of the magnetic ÿeld with respect to the PAF, and investigate the nature of polarized line spectra of an atom making a transition from an upper level with spin J u to a lower level with spin J l . Explicit formulae for the emitted Stokes parameters are obtained and we discuss their physical signiÿcance by computing numerically the cases of transitions J u = 1 → J l = 0 and J u = 3 2 → J l = 1 2 . Speciÿc features or signatures of the polarized line spectra are discussed as functions of the relevant physical parameters. The Stokes parameters are also analyzed in terms of the Zeeman term contributions and the cross-term contributions (which arise due to quantum interference). ?