Fluctuation-induced ("Casimir") forces caused by thermal and quantum fluctuations are investigated for ideal and imperfect Bose gases confined to d-dimensional films of size ∞ d−1 × D under periodic (P), antiperiodic (A), Dirichlet-Dirichlet (DD), Neumann-Neumann (NN), and Robin (R) boundary conditions (BCs). The full scaling functions, are determined for the ideal gas case with these BCs, where λ th and ξ are the thermal de-Broglie wavelength and the bulk correlation length, respectively. The associated limiting scaling functionsξ ) describing the critical behavior at the bulk condensation transition are shown to agree with those previously determined from a massive free O(2) theory for BC = P, A, DD, DN, NN. For d = 3, they are expressed in closed analytical form in terms of polylogarithms. The analogous scaling functions Υ BC d (x λ , x ξ , c1D, c2D) and Θ R d (x ξ , c1D, c2D) under the RBCs (∂z − c1)φ|z=0 = (∂z + c2)φ|z=D = 0 with c1 ≥ 0 and c2 ≥ 0 are also determined. The corresponding scaling functions Υ P ∞,d (x λ , x ξ ) and Θ P ∞,d (x ξ ) for the imperfect Bose gas are shown to agree with those of the interacting Bose gas with n internal degrees of freedom in the limit n → ∞. Hence, for d = 3, Θ P ∞,d (x ξ ) is known exactly in closed analytic form. To account for the breakdown of translation invariance in the direction perpendicular to the boundary planes implied by free BCs such as DDBCs, a modified imperfect Bose gas model is introduced that corresponds to the limit n → ∞ of this interacting Bose gas. Numerically and analytically exact results for the scaling function Θ DD ∞,3 (x ξ ) therefore follow from those of the O(2n) φ 4 model for n → ∞.