“…Moreover, it is straightforward to check that E restricts to a map C c pG, Jq Ñ C c pG, Iq, whence it takes J ¸µ, r C G onto I ¸µ,C G (it has closed range as it is an idempotent), and acts as the identity on I ¸µ, r C G. It follows from a diagram chase that if a P J ¸µ, r C G goes to zero under the quotient map to C ¸µ G, then Epaq " a, and thus that a P I ¸µ,C G. Hence the left hand vertical column is also exact. To complete the proof, note that we now have that the left two columns in diagram (5) above are exact, while the rows are all exact by definition. It follows from a diagram chase that the map A¸π G Ñ A¸r π G is an isomorphism, and thus that for any a P C c pG, Aq we have…”