The nickel/iron/sulfur center of the carbon monoxide dehydrogenase (carbon monoxide:(acceptor)oxidoreductase; EC enzyme from Rhodospirillum rubrum (Rr-CODH) was studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ni K edge. Extended x-ray absorption fine structure data show that the first Ni coordination shell consists of 2 S atoms at 2.23 A and 2-3 N/O atoms at 1.87 A. The edge structure indicates a distorted tetrahedral or five-coordinate Ni environment in both oxidized and reduced Rr-CODH. By comparing second-shell extended x-ray absorption fine structure data of Rr-CODH to that of (Et4N)3[NiFe3S4(SEt)4], a cubane-type cluster, it was clearly established that Ni in the Rr-CODH center is not involved in the core of a NiFe3S4 cubane cluster. One model consistent with the results is a mononuclear The metabolic pathways of certain bacteria involve conversion of CO to CO2 catalyzed by a Ni-containing enzyme, carbon monoxide dehydrogenase [CODH; carbon-monoxide: (acceptor)oxidoreductase; EC], now purified from several anaerobes (1-12). Some of these enzymes effect the synthesis of acetyl coenzyme A by means of the Wood pathway (13,14). Recent extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) edge studies of the CO-free, electron paramagnetic resonance-silent form of CODH from Clostridium thermoaceticum indicate a NiS4 (15) or =NiS2(O/N)2 (16) coordination environment with distorted square-planar or pyramidal geometry (16). EXAFS further suggests that an Fe-S cluster may be nearby (15). The CODH from Rhodospirillum rubrum (Rr-CODH) is a simpler enzyme (62-kDa monomer, 1 Ni and 8 Fe/S) that only oxidizes CO (8, 9). Isotopically induced electron paramagnetic resonance line-broadening suggests that Ni is covalently coupled to one or both Fe4S4 clusters in Rr-CODH and in other enzymes as well (17)(18)(19)(20). The possibility of an NiFe3S4 cubane-type cluster has been recognized (20), and alternative models exist in which Ni is bridged to Fe-S centers. Elucidation of the Ni-site structure is essential to understanding its role in catalysis. Toward that end, we report Ni K-edge XAS results for Rr-CODH.
MATERIALS AND METHODSSample Preparations. Rr-CODH was purified and assayed as described (21). Purified Rr-CODH had a specific activity of 5200 gmol of CO oxidized per min-mg and contained 1.2 Ni and 8.1 Fe per mol of enzyme as determined by plasma emission spectroscopy. Rr-CODH samples were prepared for spectroscopic studies in an anaerobic glove box [Vacuum Atmospheres (Hawthorne, CA) Dri-Lab glove box model HE-493] containing an N2 atmosphere with <1 ppm 02. Rr-CODH samples in 100 mM Mops buffer, pH 7.5, were oxidized with indigo carmine as described (22) and were concentrated to 1.25 mM in a collodion ultrafiltration apparatus (Schleicher & Schuell). Some of the concentrated protein sample was reduced by adding sodium dithionite (5 mM final concentration dithionite). The oxidized and reduced samples were loaded into "140 IL XAS lucite cells (23 x 2 x 3 mm) wi...