Based on thepast investigation of the foundation of the stee 旦 frame residences , we examined the difference of repair expence wi 重 h material . When the assumption Iife of a residence is long, the 皿aintenance cost was able to be held down if we use high performance 皿ateria 且 , regardless of the initial cost . 」 旋 py▼ Ofds 'CO 丿 70∫θ 'θ. exis 'ノ 〃8 カ0 〃5 θ, ∂8∫ θ, C8rbon ∂ tiOfi , COfitro ノ ρ θf ∫ 0∫〃 ∂nc θ, r θρ∂1r θ郡 】 θ〃 σθ