This paper explores how the examination of additively manufactured auxetic componentry can be applied in human-centred design settings with particular focus on biomedical products. Firstly, the design applications of auxetics are detailed followed by a review of the key problems facing practical researchers in the field with the treatment of boundary conditions identified as a key issue. The testing setup that is then introduced utilises a novel method of part mounting and facilitates optical analysis and real-time force–displacement measurements. A study is advanced that analyses three different auxetic structures (re-entrant, chiral, and semi-rigid), a set of samples of which were additively manufactured in flexible TPU material. A range of parameters were varied across the three designs including interior geometry and wall thicknesses in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the setup for the examination of the different structures. The results from these examinations are subsequently discussed and a number of suggestions made regarding how this kind of analysis may be integrated into novel design development workflows for achieving human-centred biomedical devices which often require detailed consideration of ergonomic and usability factors.