The toroidal states in 28 Si with spin extending to extremely high are investigated with the cranking covariant density functional theory on a 3D lattice. Thirteen toroidal states with spin I ranging from 0 to 56 are obtained, and their stabilities against particle emission are studied by analyzing the density distributions and potentials. The excitation energies of the toroidal states at I = 28, 36, and 44 reasonably reproduce the observed three resonances extracted from the seven-α de-excitation of 28 Si. The possible existence of α clustering in these toroidal states is discussed based on α-localization function.Most nuclei in their ground states are spherical or ellipsoidal [1]. Wheeler suggested that very heavy nuclei may have toroidal shapes due to the large Coulomb energies [2].Pioneering works along this idea have been done by Wong [3][4][5]. Based on the toroidal potential in radially displaced harmonic-oscillator model [3,4], it was found that although the toroidal states in liquid-drop model are unstable against sausage deformations, the nuclear shell effects may counterbalance with this instability [3,4]. Later on, Wong predicted that the toroidal states could be stabilized with a sufficiently high angular momentum by introducing an effective "rotation" about the symmetry axis to the toroidal states [5]. Recent investigation on shells in a toroidal nucleus in the intermediate-mass region with the toroidal potential can be found in Ref. [6].The microscopic and self-consistent nuclear energy density functional theories (DFTs) [7][8][9][10] have also been used to investigate the toroidal states in both superheavy [11][12][13][14] and light nuclei [15][16][17][18][19][20]. In particular, for the high-spin toroidal states, a toroidal state with an angular momentum of 60 along the symmetry axis in 40 Ca has been obtained with the cranking Skyrme DFT [16]. Similar high-spin toroidal states in other nuclei with 28 ≤ A ≤ 52 were also investigated in Refs. [17][18][19][20].The angular momenta of the high-spin toroidal states are not from the collective rotation about the symmetry axis, but are generated by nucleon alignments [16,17]. The alignments of nucleons violate the time-reversal symmetries and, thus, induce strong currents [16], which requires a proper treatment of the time-odd fields in the framework of DFTs. In addition, some toroidal states may contain single particles in unbound states [16,18,20]. It is therefore important to examine the stability of the toroidal states against the nucleon emission.To treat the time-odd fields and nucleon emission properly, a covariant DFT (CDFT) calculation in three-dimensional (3D) lattice space is preferred. Due to the Lorentz invariance, the CDFT provides a self-consistent treatment of the time-odd fields; the time-odd fields share the same coupling constants as the time-even ones [21]. Working in 3D lattice space makes it suitable to examine the nuclear stability against nucleon emission. Fortunately, the CDFT in 3D lattice space is available now [22][23][24] af...