Abstract. The report presents the results of an analysis of benchmark experiments form the international ICSBEP Handbook (HEU-MET-INTER-005) carried out at the the SSC RF -IPPE in cooperation with the Idaho National Laboratory (INL, USA) applicable to the verification of calculations of a wide range of tasks related to safe storage of vitrified radioactive waste. Experiments on the BFS assemblies make it possible to perform a large series of studies needed for neutron data refinement, including measurements of reactivity effects which allow testing the neutron cross section resonance structure. This series of studies is considered as a sample joint analysis framework for differential and integral experiments required to correct nuclea data files of the ROSFOND evaluated neutron data library. Thus, it is shown that despite the wide range of available experimental data, in so far as it relates to the resonance region refinement, the experiments on reactivity measurement make it possible to more subtly reflect the resonance structure peculiarities in addition to the time-of-flight measurement method.