Qualitatively the study adopted a case study research design to examine the parental factors that motivate female students to complete formal education in Tolon District. The population for this study comprised of all females in the Tolon District who have successfully completed formal education. A purposive sampling technique was used to select ten (10) females who have successfully completed formal education and are now working in the Tolon District. The main instrument used for data collection was interview. Data were analysed by the use of the Interpretive Method based on the themes arrived at during the data collection. The themes were related to the research question and interpreted on the number of issues raised by respondents. The study revealed that, financial support of parents was vital to enrolment, sustenance and ultimate completion of the education of females. The study also indicated that parents give support in the form of guidance and counseling as well as moral support through encouragement of the Girl-Child played a key role to their successful education. It is recommended that, parents still need more advocacies on the importance of educating the girl child in order to enhance their interest in sending or motivating the girl child in school. It is also recommended that parents should discouraged early marriages to help girls to fully complete their formal education.