The baseline ITER burning plasma equilibrium is designed to place the divertor strike points deep into the ‘V-shaped’ region formed by the high heat flux handling vertical targets (VT) and the reflector plates (RP). The divertor plasma performance under these conditions has been extensively studied in the past two decades with the SOLPS4.3 plasma boundary code suite. However, during tokamak operation, inaccuracies in the control of the vertical plasma position, or a requirement to avoid damaged monoblocks, could force the strike point position further down the VTs, or even directly on the RPs. In this paper, we present the results from the first SOLPS-ITER modelling in which the consequences of strike point displacements on the divertor plasma behaviour and surface heat loading are assessed. The starting point of the study is a baseline coupled fluid plasma-kinetic neutral solution (without fluid drifts), corresponding to an ITER burning plasma scenario at QDT = 10 with neon seeding for detachment control, PSOL = 100 MW, λq ~ 2 mm and nominal strike point positions. From this baseline condition, the equilibrium is progressively moved downwards in a series of rigid displacements, obtaining new steady-state solutions, up to a maximum displacement of ~8 cm, beyond which the separatrix is too close to the inner dome wing. At this point, the inner strike point is well onto the inner RP while the outer strike point is still on the VT. The different interaction of the recycled neutrals with the SOL plasma when the strike point intersects the inner RP, switching from vertical to horizontal target configuration, enhances the detachment degree at the inboard divertor, mitigating the heat load deposited onto the inner RP. At the outboard divertor the plasma condition is not significantly affected by the downward displacements, nor are the power fluxes to the outer RP. Finally, the heat load profiles computed with SOLPS are used in input for a finite element thermal analysis, considering the full cooling geometry, to assess the response of the VTs and RPs under the conditions exploited in the displaced scenarios. This thermal model, based on a simplified treatment not requiring a full 3D description of the divertor monoblock plasma-facing units, constitutes a new module for the SOLPS-ITER code suite.