Anemia is a public health problem that can have different causes, such as iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency, inflammation, hemolytic anemias, and anemias associated with bone marrow disease. Anemia shows a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin, a pigmented molecule in the erythrocytes. The objectives of this review were to highlight the impact of nutritional factors on morbidity and mortality caused by anemia and to present different non-invasive approaches that use a smartphone to analyze hemoglobin levels to detect anemia. According to the records of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS, in the Portuguese acronym), ∼ 440,000 people checked in hospitals due to anemia between January 2015 and April 2020, with 215,000 deaths. The government spent ∼ 294 million Brazilian Reais (more than 50 million US dollars) on anemia hospitalization cases during this period. There is a worldwide search to provide noninvasive diagnostics and mobile health (mHealth) tools to help diagnosing anemia. The smartphone appears to be a viable device to detect anemia by a camera with colorimetric analysis of images providing a quantitative, instantaneous, and noninvasive result. These images can be obtained as a photograph or extracted from video frames. The review presents three different methods of detecting anemia using a smartphone: i) photoplethysmograph from video obtained from the tip of the index finger, ii) photo of the palpebral conjunctiva, and iii) fingernail photo app. Therefore, it seems urgent that these approaches may be applied in routine clinical diagnosis to allow remote, needy, low-tech locations to have access to anemia screening.