The factors that influence young children’s school readiness, their cognitive skills and socio-emotional development relate to the social context shaped collectively by the individuals and families that live in a specific part of a district, the neighborhood. This study explores, through parents’ views, the direct and indirect roles of the neighborhood environment in the development of preschool age children and examines whether there is a direct impact of the neighborhood’s role on children’s school readiness. More specifically, this paper studies the impact of the neighborhood context of Agioi Anargiroi, and the characteristics – both individual and socioeconomic – of the people of this population, on the school readiness of preschool age children. The data were collected by means of an anonymous written questionnaire, which was distributed to and filled in by the parents of preschool age students attending co-located public kindergartens of the Municipality of Agioi Anargiroi of the prefecture of Attiki.<p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0975/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>