“…1 The new cyclogenesis model and accompanying scientific hypotheses were established observationally in the Atlantic and eastern Pacific sectors by DMW09. The new models find additional support in idealized numerical modeling simulations (Wang et al, 2010a, b;Montgomery et al, 2010a;Nicholls and Montgomery, 2013), recent case studies in the field in the western North Pacific during the Tropical Cyclone Structure Experiment 2008 (TCS08, Montgomery et al, 2010b;Lussier III, 2010;Montgomery et al, 2012;Raymond and López-Carrillo, 2011;Lussier III et al, 2014), in the Atlantic during the Pre-Depression Investigation of Cloud Systems in the Tropics (PREDICT) campaign in 2010 Smith and Montgomery, 2012;Ahijevych, 2012, 2013), in NASA's ongoing Hurricane and Severe Storm (HS3) missions (2012)(2013)(2014)(2015)(2016) and the case of Hurricane Sandy (Lussier III et al, 2015). The field data afford a resolved view of horizontal and vertical structure in the wave pouch and its immediate surroundings, valuable for system centering, circulation magnitude, vortic-8512 T. M. Freismuth et al: Why did the storm ex-Gaston (2010) fail to redevelop?…”