Abstract. Let M be a Riemannian manifold with the Jacobi operator, which has constant eigenvalues, independent on the unit vector X ∈ TpM and the point p ∈ M . Osserman conjectured that these manifolds are flat or rankone locally symmetric spaces (∇R = 0). It is known that for a general pseudo-Riemannian manifold, the Osserman-type conjecture is not true and 4-dimensional Kleinian Jordan-Osserman manifolds are curvature homogeneous. We show that the length of the first covariant derivative of the curvature tensor is isotropic, i.e. ∇R = 0. For known examples of 4-dimensional Osserman manifolds of signature (− − ++) we check also that ∇R = 0. By the presentation of a class of examples we show that curvature homogeneity and ∇R = 0 do not imply local homogeneity; in contrast to the situation in the Riemannian geometry, where it is unknown if the Osserman condition implies local homogeneity. §0. Introduction Let (M, g) be a 4-dimensional Kleinian (neutral) manifold, i.e. a pseudo-Riemannian manifold with a metric g of signature (− − ++). We denote its curvature tensor by R. The Jacobi operator R X : Y → R(Y, X)X is a symmetric endomorphism of T p M and K X is its restriction to X ⊥ in T p M . For Riemannian manifolds, Osserman [16], based on joint results with Sarnak [17], has conjectured that if the eigenvalues of the Jacobi operator K X are independent of the choice of unit vectors X ∈ T p M and of the choice p ∈ M , then either M is locally a rank-one symmetric space or M is flat. We have generalized in [3] the Osserman-type condition in the pseudo-Riemannian setup in terms of the Jordan form of K X , that is equivalent, especially for 4-dimensions, to the conditions in terms of the constancy of the minimal polynomial for K X . Namely, M is spacelike (resp. timelike) Jordan-Osserman at p if the Jordan form of K X is independent of X ∈ T p M , g(X, X) = 1 (resp. g(X, X) = −1). If M is spacelike (resp. timelike) Jordan-Osserman at every p ∈ M , one says M is pointwise spacelike (resp. timelike) Jordan-Osserman. If the Jordan form of K X is independent of p ∈ M , then M is spacelike (resp. timelike) Jordan-Osserman.