On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am pleased to present in these Proceedings volume the 95 papers that were accepted for publication, among the 125 submitted, following peer review. The Symposium was held in Italy for the first time and the participants were more than 500, coming from all over the world. This huge participation demonstrates that archaeometric research is increasing, not only in quantity, but in quality as well.The international team of convenors accepted 533 abstracts, which were compiled by approximately 1,400 authors. Eighty-one abstracts were selected for an oral presentation. The remaining 452 were posters, which was actually the highlight of the Symposium. The posters generated much discussion and allowed for more direct contact between authors and participants.I would like to recognize the outstanding contributions of Elisabetta Gliozzo. She completed the painstaking work of editing the Abstract volume and coordinated the distribution and re-distribution of abstracts amongst the session convenors and authors.ix In closing, let me remember and thank Riccardo Francovich, who passed away unexpectedly 2 years ago. Riccardo was a strong supporter of this conference, and he worked tirelessly and with enthusiasm to bring it about. If he were here today, he would certainly be pleased with what we have accomplished.