UoB -supervisors, excavation leaders, expert guides and labour! -for their help in the understanding of landscape processes, ArcGIS, and beetle identification Gill Campbell, Historic England and Dr Wendy Smith, UoB, for their help with the identification of plant macrofossils and wood identification Dr Warren Eastwood and Richard Johnson, UoB, for fieldwork expertise, use of the Russian corer and guidance in the use of TILIA software; and to Rebecca Eastwood, undergraduate, for undertaking the pollen analysis Dr Andy Howard for help with field work and moral support Dr Elaine Morris, for providing background to her ceramics assessment and for remembering what she saw many years ago Members of the Hillfort Studies Group, for academic input and moral support The landowners at both the Berth and Wall Camp (the Edwards family, Rod Timmis, Mrs Lea and the Dobson family)