Ab initio DFT calculations were used for theoretical analysis of crystal and electronic structure of C 46 , Li 8 C 46 and Li 8 B 6 C 40 carbon clathrates. Simultaneously experimental attempts of carbon clathrates synthesis from fullerene C 60 at pressure 8 GPa were made. For a specific conditions polymerized form of fullerene -fullerite was obtained. KEYWORDS: carbon clathrate, band structure calculations, HPHT synthesis, fullerene, fullerite Przeprowadzono obliczenia ab initio metodą DFT w celu analizy struktury krystalicznej i elektronowej hipotetycznych klatratów węglowych C46, Li8C46 i Li8B6C40. Jednocześnie podjęto próby syntezy klatratów węglo-wych z fullerenu C60 pod ciśnieniem 8 GPa. W pewnych warunkach otrzymano spolimeryzowaną formę fullerenu -fulleryt. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: klatraty węglowe, obliczenia struktury pasmowej, HPHT, fulleren, fulleryt Theoretically predicted carbon clathrates are analogs of a very fascinating group of cage compounds usually called intermetallic clathrates. Structural framework of these compounds is formed by Si, Ge and Sn atoms, which for the type-I clathrate structure are arranged into uniformly space filling dodecahedrons X20 and tetrakaidecahedrons X24. The empty space inside these polyhedra is a structural cage that can be filled by atoms like alkali and alkaline earth metals. For the type-I structure (space group Pm-3n) presented in the Fig. 1, the unit cell formula is Me8X46, where Me is the metal inside the cage and X is the framework atom. Due to their structural features, clathrates are familiar to fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. Intermetallic clathrates gained recently much interest for their promising thermoelectric properties. Although, there are known numerous silicon, germanium and tin clathrates [1] the analogous carbon compounds have never been synthesized. So far only detailed theoretical calculations of structural, electronic and vibrational properties of carbon clathrates have been performed by both tight-binding and ab-initio methods [2÷5]. Theoretical predictions point out that the carbon clathrates should show unusual combination of properties. Hypothetic carbon clathrate should be the one of hardest materials after diamond and lonsdaleite [2] and C46 should have a high bulk modulus, just 15% smaller than that of diamond, with an outstanding shear modulus, greater than that of diamond by at least 25% [2,5]. The results of numerical calculations indicates that high pressure-high temperature conditions are necessary to reach the thermodynamic stability range of the predicted new compounds. The aim of this work was to use high pressure-high temperature conditions for synthesis of carbon type-I clathrates coupled with theoretical calculations for prediction of structural and electronic properties of the hypothetical compounds.
Experimental detailsSeveral tries of carbon clathrate synthesis through reaction of C60 with Li were carried out using HPHT method. Prior that behavior of C60 under high temperature and high pressure was examined. Detailed data on exp...