By means of time-resolved electron crystallography, we report direct observation of the structural dynamics of graphite, providing new insights into the processes involving coherent lattice motions and ultrafast graphene ablation. When graphite is excited by an ultrashort laser pulse, the excited carriers reach their equilibrium in less then one picosecond by transferring heat to a subset of strongly coupled optical phonons. The time-resolved diffraction data show that on such a time scale the crystal undergoes a contraction whose velocity depends on the excitation fluence. The contraction is followed by a large expansion which, at sufficiently high fluence, leads to the ablation of entire graphene layers, as recently predicted theoretically. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.035501 PACS numbers: 61.82.ÿd, 07.78.+s, 63.20.Kÿ, 78.47.ÿp The unique semimetal physical properties of graphite and its chemical inertness make possible numerous applications [1][2][3] including the use in nuclear reactors [4,5]. When subjected to a shock, the structure distorts, and the ablation to form graphene [6] may result from its instability. It is of fundamental importance to visualize the associated dynamics with atomic-scale spatial and temporal resolutions. Here, by means of ultrafast electron crystallography, we report direct observation of the structural dynamics of graphite following an impulsive near infrared excitation. The diffraction shows that the structure of graphite first contracts perpendicular to the layer planes on the time scale of 0.5 to 3 ps, depending on fluence, and then nonthermally expands in 7 ps. The excitation fluence dependence of both processes indicates a distinct behavior. The highly anisotropic transfer of carrier energy to a subset of phonons of the quasi-2D-structure alters the forces between layers which control the time scale and amplitude of structural change. These atomic motions on different time scales for compression, expansion and restructuring determine the degree of the instability, which at sufficiently high fluences reaches that of graphene ablation [7,8], as predicted theoretically [9].Previous optical studies have focused on the carrier dynamics induced by both high [10,11] and low fluence [12] optical excitation, revealing features of the unique phonon excitations in quasi-two-dimensional graphite and the coherent modes involved. In order to resolve details of the structure, diffraction is our method of choice. In ultrafast electron crystallography, the probing wavelength is 0.07 Å at 30 keV electron acceleration energy, and we use femtosecond (fs) near infrared pulses (800 nm) for the optical excitation of the system of graphite. The overall resolution is determined by group velocity mismatch [13], but as shown here, by tilting the optical wave front, see the inset in Fig. 4, we are able to resolve subpicosecond coherent dynamics. Highly oriented and single crystal graphite were studied, and indeed the static diffraction patterns of both display the characteristic structural features...