This paper is dedicated to Professor Jarnes A . Morrison JEAN P. BROS. Can. J. Chem. 66, 824 (1988). High temperature microcalorimetry is a very fruitful techfiique for increasing our knowledge of the thermochemistry of multicomponent alloys. As a good example, calorimetric results obtained for the Al + Bi + Ga system have been selected. Using a Calvet microcalorimeter and the indirect drop method, enthalpies of formation were measured over the entire concentration range between 725 and 1 170 K and several points of the phase diagram were deduced from these calorimetric results. By means of a computer program, the A1 + Bi + Ga equilibrium phase diagram was calculated and thus a thermodynamic description can be predicted. Making use of some simplifying hypotheses, the results indicate a satisfactory agreement between the experimental and the calculated liquid miscibility gap. JEAN P. BROS. Can. J. Chem. 66, 824 (1988). Avec l'energie libre de Gibbs, la fonction enthalpie de formation, obtenue par calorimktrie directe, joue un r81e important dans I'ttude thermodynamique des alliages; pour le systeme Al + Bi + Ga, les risultats expirimentaux choisis constituent un bon exemple. En effet, par microcalorimCtrie haute temperature, les chaleurs de formation i pression constante ont Ct C mesurkes sur tout le domaine de composition diverses temperatures (725 K < T < 1170 K). De plus, dans certaines conditions, ces mesures permettent d'accCder directement aux coordonnees de quelques points du diagramme d'equilibre des phases. A l'aide d'un programme de calcul et de quelques hypoth&ses simplificatrices, ces rksultats ont conduit, avec une precision satisfaisante, i la localisation de la lacune de miscibilitC ternaire i 1'Ctat liquide de cet alliage.[Traduit par la revue]