Excess partial molar enthalpies, H,~, of methanol, ethanol, and 1-and 2-propanols in aqueous solutions were measured directly, accurately, and in small increments in mole fraction at 25OC. From these data, the solute-solute enthalpic interactions, HAAE = N(aHAE1a~zA), were evaluated for each alcohol. These data indicate that three distinctively different mixing schemes, I, 11, and I11 exist, as was the case for aqueous 2-butoxyethanol previously studied in our laboratory. The transition from mixing scheme I to I1 appears to take place gradually within a small composition range. As the hydrophobic moiety becomes smaller from 2-butoxyethanol to methanol, the locus of the transition moves to a higher value in mole fraction of the alcohol. At the same time, the range of transition becomes wider and the solute-solute enthalpic interaction weaker.Key words: excess partial molar enthalpies in aqueous solutions, methanol, ethanol, I-propanol, 2-propanol, enthalpic interaction, transition of mixing scheme. Ces donnCes suggkrent l'existence de trois schCmas diffirents de mClanges, I, I1 et 111, comme ce ftit le cas pour le 2-butoxyCthanol CtudiC antkrieurement dans notre laboratoire. I1 semble que la transition du schCma de melange I vers I1 se produit graduellement, B I'intCrieur d'une faible plage de composition. Quand les portions hydrophobes deviennent plus petites en allant du 2-butoxyCthanol vers le mCthanol, le foyer de la transition se dCplace vers des valeurs plus ClevCs de la fraction molaire de l'alcool. En m&me temps, l'intervalle de transition devient plus grand et l'interaction enthalpique solutC-solutC devient plus faible.Mors clis : enthalpies molaires partielles en excks en solutions aqueuses, mCthanol, ethanol, propan-1-01, propan-2-01, interaction enthalpique, schCma de transition de melange.