Asymmetric magnetization reversal is an unusual phenomenon in antiferromagnet/ferromagnet (AF/FM) exchange biased bilayers. We investigated this phenomenon in a simple model system experimentally and by simulation assuming inhomogeneously distributed interfacial AF moments. The results suggest that the observed asymmetry originates from the intrinsic broken symmetry of the system, which results in local incomplete domain walls parallel to the interface in reversal to negative saturation of the FM. The magneto-optical Kerr effect unambiguously confirms such an asymmetric reversal and a depth-dependent FM domain wall in accord with the magnetometry and simulations. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.217205 PACS numbers: 75.25.+z, 75.60.Jk, 75.70.Cn, 78.20.Jq Exchange coupling between a ferromagnet (FM) and an antiferromagnet (AF) has been intensely studied due to the fundamental interest in inhomogeneous magnetic systems and its central role as a magnetic reference in various devices. In most magnetic systems, time reversal symmetry is present and manifested by a symmetric magnetization curve relative to the origin. This symmetry also requires that the magnetization reversal from positive to negative saturation be identical to the reverse process. However, in a FM/AF system, exchange bias (EB) develops below the AF Néel temperature T N producing a shift (H EB ) of the hysteresis loop along the magnetic field axis [1]. Therefore, with the shift breaking the time reversal symmetry, magnetization reversal symmetry is no longer required. In fact, asymmetric reversal was observed by polarized neutron reflectometry [2], photoemission electron microscopy [3], magneto-transport [4], magneto-optical indicator film [5], and magneto-optical Kerr effect [6]. In some systems the reversal along the decreasing branch is dominated by transverse magnetic moments, a phenomenon interpreted as due to coherent magnetic rotation. The absence of transverse moments in the increasing branch reversal was interpreted as domain wall propagation [2,3]. Different, even opposite, scenarios were also found [6][7][8]. Despite the well established experimental evidence and proposed theoretical models [9][10][11], the origin of this asymmetry remains a controversial and highly debated issue [12]. This situation is further complicated by the lack of knowledge of the interface, crystal imperfections, complex FM and AF anisotropy energies, and training effect. While these factors are important for each individual system, the fundamental connection of the reversal asymmetry to the broken symmetry intrinsic in the inhomogeneous system is overlooked.In this Letter, we investigate a simple model system using a variety of experimental techniques combined with numerical simulations. We establish a critical link between this unusual reversal asymmetry with the time reversal asymmetry in these systems. Namely, in reversal toward the two FM saturated states, the intrinsic asymmetry gives rise to different competing mechanisms, thus different reversal processes.Fe...