Abstract. Exchange bias (EB) phenomena were first observed in the La 1-x Ag x MnO 3 as prepared and heat treated (300 o C/2 hours) nanopowders (x = 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20) which were synthetized by self-combustion glycine-nitrate method. These nanoparticles have an average size of about 25 nm and adopt orthorhombic Pnma crystal structure. Cooling in magnetic field H cf M 0 through the Curie temperature T C shifts hysteresis loop in horizontal and vertical direction. The values of exchange bias field H E , coercive field H c , remnant asymmetry ! E and coercive magnetization ! c increase with increasing value of cooling field H cf . In addition the training effect was observed. Basic magnetic properties like the Curie temperature T C and the saturated magnetization µ s increase and H E or ! E decrease with heat treatment. Heat treatment at 600 o C/2 hours increases the average size of nanoparticles to about 55 nm, crystal structure changes to rhombohedral structure (space group ! "! ) and EB effect vanishes.